The basis of our oil there is a strong connection with the land that produces it and its traditions. Carries the image and colors of the places of Salento, the land lying between two seas: the Ionian Sea with twenty main Scirocco and Libeccio, the Adriatic with the winds main Tramontana and Scirocco after the Cape of Otranto. Ancient olive groves and the young plants with native varieties dell'Ogliarola Leccese and Cellina of Nardo, receive the scents collected from the sea wind that confer unique characteristics Extra Virgin Olive Oil, thanks to the mild climate during the winter and all 'radiation of the sun, strong and continuous in the summer.

In an era in the middle of a re-evaluation of the importance of Healthy vegetarian diet and with the rediscovery of the Mediterranean diet, she has found a key role high quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil. This simple and nutritious feeding pattern has been included in modern medical and pharmaceutical science with the "nutracetica" moniker. It shows the flow of the disease pathways of care and prevention of modern civilization (obesity, diabetes, circulatory and cardiovascular disorders, etc ..) using everyday foods.

The chemical and organoleptic tests carried out on a sample of our laboratory accredited oil, in fact, have emerged of the results that allow us to define our oil as a high quality product that is also very good for your health.
The positive effects of the high quality of Oil Daily consumption of virgin olive like ours are manifold. We suggest a few:

- It protects the gastric mucosa.

- Provides and promotes the absorption of important fat-soluble biological factors (such as β-carotene, lutein, α-tocopherol).

- It reduces the cholesterol in the blood.

These beneficial effects are determined from the unsaturated oil composition of the fat matrix and to its content of oleic acid, which is also higher than 70%.

In addition to these benefits, we can say that our Extra Virgin Olive Oil plays a recognized and important preventive role towards chronic-degenerative inflammatory events of basic and age-dependent, such as cerebro-cardiovascular diseases and certain types of cancer. This action is a protective oil prerogative of high quality extra virgin. In fact, research has amply demonstrated that this action is due exclusively to the protective hydrophilic Biophenols (hydroxytyrosol and derivatives, phenolic acids, lignans, etc ..).

In particular, Regulation EU Reg. 432/2012 on the compilation of a list of permitted health claims on food, establishes that "extra virgin olive oil polyphenols contribute to the protection of blood lipids from oxidative stress." This indication may be inserted on the label only for a product that contains at least 250 mg / kg of hydroxytyrosol and its derivatives.

The chemical and organoleptic analysis performed on our oil showed a content of hydrophilic Biophenols Total amounted to 430.2 mg / kg, a content exceeding 250 mg / kg set by European legislation.

The same Regulation EU Reg. 432/2012 on p. 37, governs the possibility of indicating on the label that "Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress". This is possible if it is proved by chemical analysis that the product is a "source" or has a "high content" of tocopherols, better known as Vitamin E, at least 15% or 30% of the RDA of Vit. E, which is equal to 12 mg / kg. From our analysis is a Tocofenoli content equal to 296 mg / kg.

It is noted that to get the beneficial effects of polyphenols and Vitamin E, an adult should take a portion of oil of about 20g per day.

In addition to these beneficial features, our Extra Virgin di'oliva presents additional quality parameters, ensuring compliance with the limits of Reg. 2568/91:
- Low degree of acidity equal to 0.25 mg / kg (limit ≤ 0.8 - Ref .: Reg. 2568/91).
- Low number of peroxides, EUR 7.6 (limit ≤ 20 Ref .: 2568/91)
- Low-Methyl-Ethyl Esters of Fatty Acids equal to 12 mg / kg (limit ≤ 35 - Ref .: 2568/91)
These excellent results were achieved thanks to the attention paid to all stages of production. The cultural practices are carried out through the principles of sustainable agriculture and integrated production with low environmental impact, which make minimum use of technical means which cause negative effects on consumer health and the environment.

The olive harvest at the right stage of maturation takes place from the tree so minimally mechanized. The mill uses automated systems in line, fast and with high productivity, so that only a few hours elapse between the harvesting of the fruit and the oil separation. The production processes are carried out without causing deterioration of the oil and / or ill-treatment of the fruit.

Particular attention is dedicated to the stages of fringing and kneading of the dough, because in these stages of milling come into play oxygen in the air and the temperature of the dough. In these phases, careful monitoring is carried out to avoid unintended negative effects, such as oil oxidation, because oxygen destroys all the properties of which we spoke earlier, and contributes to the loss of aroma and taste to product.

In this regard, it is important to remember that they are the same composition Biofenolici hydrophilic, a protective and anti-inflammatory action, to give the perception of taste "Spicy" to our oil. Therefore, the "spicy" tone of our Extra Virgin Olive Oil is considered a high quality parameter. Instead an oil with a low content of hydrophilic Biophenols usually occurs as a "sweet oil" and "mature oil", a product in which they are to shrink these important health benefits prerogatives, related to this component biofenolica hydrophilic.

We are therefore proud to have achieved these important results with passion and enthusiasm, pride in having obtaining a high quality product with a long shelf-life, lively flavor with a spicy tone, full of the fragrance of smells that are felt in the countryside of our beloved land.